Foraging at the Farm


We grow over 70 varieties of fruits, vegetables, and herbs at our farm, but sometimes the things that attract the most attention are the plants we consider weeds.  Many of the common weeds on our farm–chickweed, amaranth, purslane, dandelion, lambs quarters, and mugwort–are valued as food or medicinal crops.  Oftentimes passersby will ask for our amaranth (aka callaloo), and we’re happy to part with it so that our cultivated crops can thrive.  Interested in some edible weeds? Come to any of our volunteer days on the first and third Saturdays of the month from 10AM-2PM, and you can take home as many edible weeds as you can carry.

Check out this posting from the Urban Forager on the New York Times website: Don’t Compost That Weed.