ENYF Youth Program Guide Now Available for Download


We are pleased to announce the publication our youth program guide: Growing Young Leaders: Lessons from the East New York Farms! Youth Internship Program by former ENYF project director Sarita Daftary-Steel.  With the support of the Food Dignity project, we have put together this guide to share broader youth development lessons as well as specific curricula, forms, and structures from our program.   The guide is available to download for free here or from the Resources section of our website. We’re excited to share this, and please feel free to share the link widely.  We only have a minor request of those who will be using the guide: “We hope that groups will be able to use the information in this guide to create, grow, or modify programs that will positively impact the lives of young people. And we we request that you credit East New York Farms! and the other sources noted whenever you do so. We are very proud of what we’ve developed together, and we want to make sure that our work is recognized.”